










Ten Reasons for Chooising the Canaries

A singular economic tradition 

Historically, the Canaries has benefited from a distinctive economic and fiscal treatment the object of which was to compensate for their insularity. The adhesion of Spain to the EU has led to the modernisation of this economic singularity reflected in the new bases of the Economic and Fiscal Regime, which maintains the islands in exceptional conditions for the growth of business and investment.Historically, the Canaries has benefited from a distinctive economic and fiscal treatment the object of which was to compensate for their insularity. The adhesion of Spain to the EU has led to the modernisation of this economic singularity reflected in the new bases of the Economic and Fiscal Regime, which maintains the islands in exceptional conditions for the growth of business and investment. 

A well communicated region: 

Despite the fragmented nature of the territory and its relative distance from the European continent, the most modern routes of communication cross the Canary Archipelago, which, due to its privileged geo-strategic position, has become the threshold for three continents : Europe, Africa and America.

The islands have been equipped with a modern network of communication infrastructure in permanent expansion : seven airports, ten commercial ports, and seven sports marinas, as well as an extraordinary network of highways.

A European region, a platform between continents

The Canary Archipelago is the southern frontier of Europe. Traditionally open to the African and Latin American markets, it constitutes an excellent commercial platform for North-South exchanges, as well as for the flow of capital, the transference of technology and the exchange of services. The Canaries are situated in a dynamic area, since they are not only integrated into the economy of the EU, but they are also the access route for the countries of the north to the countries of the south, destined to a spectacular growth in goods and services on the threshold of the new century.


A region with excellent natural and tourist environment. 

Today, quality of life is one of the primary factors observed by advanced companies when considering geographical location. The Canary Islands offer exceptional natural surroundings permitting the combination of business with pleasure, owing to the modern hotel and telecommunications infrastructures present in the islands..

An attractive Economic and Fiscal Regime

The Archipelago enjoys a specific Economic and Fiscal Regime (REF) which encourages the economic and social development of the islands and compensates for the effects of their remoteness. It offers a reduction of up to 90% in company tax, as well as incentives and benefits, preferential credit, transport subsidies, water and energy, among other stimuli for investment.



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